c.1935 Lincoln White Metal Works, Futuristic Swallow-Tail Airplane
This fantastic futuristic "batplane" style airplane was an original art deco design produced by the Lincoln White Metal Works, Lincoln, Nebraska. The company was in existence from the early 1920's through 1937. In their first season alone they reportedly produced 800,000 toys in three months. Lincoln White Metal is recognized as one of the producers of high quality pre-war slush mold toys. Many, like this airplane, were also known as "orphan" toys. That is, totally unique toys that have no relationship to any other existing toys of that period. Today it would be recognized as the "Batplane", but 70 years ago there was nothing else like it. Lincoln White Metal produced The Swallow-Tail in two sizes. This one has a 4" wingspan and is 4½" long. I was unable to determine the size of the other plane. It has a single pilot located midway in the fuselage. It has both of its original white rubber tires and its original propeller. It was named for the super fast, sharp cornering small bird with distinctly streamlined, rear pointing tail feathers. The bird's architecture was incorporated into this model. Both the main and tail wings give it a sense of incredible speed even when standing still. While the "buffed" engine section gives it an overpowering feeling of awesome strength. The "Robin's Egg" blue top half and silver belly provides the final avian touch. Size: 4" wingspan and 4½" long. Sold: Dec. 2005
Price Sold: $ 141