c.1944 "The Bomber", B-52 Style WWII Dexterity Puzzle


Unusual World War II era dexterity puzzle featuring a camouflaged B-52, 4-engine propeller bomber. Highly colored bomber faced downward is raised above a background of clouds, forest, and anti-aircraft flak. Metal rivet behind the cockpit keeps the plane raised as well as maneuvering left or right. 

Simple instructions in the upper right corner indicate "load the bombs in place". Bombs consist of 6 wooden dowels. Bombs must be jiggled into their bomb bay doors, 3 on each wing, as plane turns. Difficult to win. 

Marked only as "patented" and "Made in U.S.A.". Manufacturer is unknown.

Bomber and background are thick heavy cardboard. Silver painted, crimped metal puzzle frame made from recycled WWII era oil can. Transparent cover is glass plate.

Size: 5" x 3½" x ½".

Sold: May 2010

Price Sold: $ 55


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