c.1950 Collins Press Captain Nemos Painting Book

c.1950 Collins Press Captain Nemos Painting Book

Based on Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea this awesome paint book features the Nautilus in some its key scenes including the undersea burial, Nemo's shark battle, and underwater sunken ships. It was printed in Great Britain by Collins Clear-Type Press (London and Glasgow). Somehow it survived untouched and virtually unscathed with any coloring added to it.

The front and back duplicated covers feature a detailed full color illustration of Nemo's battle with the killer shark. Of particular interest is the circle caption image of Nemo in the upper right corner. The intensity of the lines and shadowing closely mimics Alex Raymond, or Hal Foster. However the book is completely unsigned by its artist(s). Nemo stabbing the shark, although more cartoon-like, is still more accurately drawn than many U.S. coloring books from the period. Illustrations are also included on both inside covers.

Below each drawing are color recommendations for specific details in the image. Additional coloring recommendations were made regarding two pages of ocean marine life.

The book is all soft material with soft cover and stapled bindings. It was assembled by spine stapling every page except for the back cover. This was added separately when it was glued to an excess blank margin at the spine. This is why the spine, when viewed head on, appears to look like a line running from end to end.

Size: 10½" x 8".

Sold: Feb. 2008

Price Sold: $ 63


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