c.1941 WW2 Keep 'Em Rolling For Victory Dexterity Game
Historically significant hand held, early World War II dexterity game "Keep 'Em Rolling For Victory". Consists of a color printed cardboard playing surface with original glass cover plate and heavy gauge tinplate frame. It's marked "Made in U.S.A.". Of course the objective is to get the balls and black wooden pegs into their corresponding holes, but there's much more to it than that. The scene shows a number of tanks coming over a hill. The shields above the hill signify the alliance between the United States and Great Britain. Britain's use of the "V" was known worldwide by Winston Churchill's "V" for Victory campaign which began July, 1941. However, even more significant is the message behind the actual layout of the game. The "V" sign was originally initiated by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) who encouraged its use by Churchill. In January, 1941 the BBC developed a plan for an audible "V" using its Morse code symbol represented by three dots and a dash. Audibly the dots and dash had the same rhythm as the opening notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. This fact was propagated by Britain as an anti-German statement since Beethoven was born in Germany. The audible dots and dash were quickly incorporated by the BBC to announce all of their foreign language programs to occupied Europe for the rest of the war. OK....Now look at the first photo and note the layout of the game. Once the game is won the metal balls and the wooden peg form the Morse code/BBC audible symbol of three dots and a dash (dah, dah, dah, daaaaah). Neato! Size: 5" x 3½" x ½". Sold: Feb. 2012
Price Sold: $ 73