1963 Marx, Ten "Nutty Mads" Injection Molded Figures

1963 Marx, Ten

Ten red and green Nutty Mads plastic injection molded figures by Marx. Only two are duplicated. Each is a hefty solid plastic figure weighing as much as a half a pound. Purchased from the original owner. Many are faded. The bunch includes:

  • Waldo the Weight Lifter
  • End Zone (one red & one green)
  • The Thinker
  • "Chief" Lost Teepee
  • Suburban Sidney
  • "All Heart" Hogan
  • Roddy the Hotrod
  • Manny the Reckless Mariner
  • Dippy the Deep Diver 

Size: From 4½" to 6¼" tall.

Sold: Apr. 2006

Price Sold: $ 44


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