1920 A.C. Gilbert, No.1, No.2 & No.3 Puzzle Parties in Original Boxes
Here are three, complete boxed sets of A.C.Gilberts, "Puzzle Parties". It includes sets No.1, No.2, and No.3. Each includes the five original (and correct) puzzles for each set, plus card trick in its original envelope. Each is also complete with it's own original sheet of instructions and green backing card. Only the clips holding the puzzles to the backing card have been replaced. Each box is categorically numbered (1, 2 and 3) on the side apron of each box cover. The five puzzles within are all chrome plated steel. Two puzzles use a cord tied through them as part of the "problem". The instructions include the problem and solution for all three sets in order (number 1 in the first several pages, then 2, and finally 3), however as mentioned each has it's own separate set of original instructions. Schematics are included with every solution making it possible to determine that the correct puzzles are in each box. The enveloped card tricks are also original to each set. They're factory glued to the backing card. Although it is possible to determine the completeness of the contents, inspection would've damaged them in the process so I left them unopened. Sponsored by Thompson's Double Malted milk each box shows Gilbert's standard hand colored family photograph on the cover. Beautifully laid out each has a line-up of puzzles surrounding the perimeter of the photo. The fantastic colors and sheer number of things to look at must've made these really tough to pass by. Size: 9½" x 6½" x ¾". Sold: Jul. 2006
Price Sold: $ 170