1957 Linemar, Bulldozer Which A Robot Operates in Original Box

1957 Linemar, Bulldozer Which A Robot Operates in Original Box

Outstanding battery operated robot bulldozer named the "Bulldozer Which A Robot Operates". Japanese manufacturer could not be identified, but structurally its identical to Linemar's scarce Robotrac robot bulldozer. The only difference is the color of the body. This toy has a blue body. Robotrac's body is yellow. Most likely both are manufactured by Linemar. Comes complete with original box. 

Features a barrel head robot driver with articulated limbs, coiled head spring, and a red head light. The toy moves until it hits an object. When it can't move any further the robot moves his arms and legs (shifting gears), the light on his head flashes and a loud horn blows. It then changes direction, and moves forward until it hits another object. Although it's a complex toy with multiple actions everything works beautifully!

The box was also designed similar to the Linemar toy however the illustration, text and colors are slightly different. There are no markings on the box other than an circled, squiggly line logo and "Japan". 

Size: 9" long, 7" tall. 

Sold: Sep. 2005

Price Sold: $ 529


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