1950 NBN, "Elephant Juggling with Balls" in Original Box

1950 NBN,

Produced by NBN (Nürnberger Blechspielwarenfabrik) which roughly translates to Nürnberger Sheet Metal Play Goods Factory produced several tin litho clockwork elephant toys in the early 50's. Except for the box they were never marked with either the manufacturer's logo or trademark making them difficult to identify. It's also why reproductions made in China during the 1990's were easy to pass off as original!

This particular toy is one NBN's best and most whimsical elephant toy. The correct name assigned to it was "Elephant Juggling with Balls" although there's no actual juggling involved. It comes complete with all three original celluloid balls, separate original key, plus its awesome original box with insert!

Beautifully colored, elegantly lithographed and embossed....its multiple actions include 1) the three propellers above the elephants truck spin rapidly, 2) corkscrew metal rod rotates with an upwards spiral twist, and 3) raising, dropping and returning each of the 3 celluloid balls into the corkscrew. It works flawlessly!

The three 1" diameter balls are covered with multicolored non-repetitive patterns and are original to the toy.

Chinese reproductions can be identified by 1) the quality of tinplate used (it was much thinner) and 2) the balls were plastic vs. celluloid.

The box features a fantastic full color print with almost no test. It displays the toy as if it was a real animal. It shows a mid-east desert scene with a robed man directing the elephant. Several seated on-lookers watch as the elephant spins his propellers while the balls simultaneously drop into his basket. The only text is D.R.G.M. patent information, the abbreviated company name N.B.N., and "Made in Western Germany". It comes with its original insert which is actually two pieces of narrow walled cardboard stapled together to form a "tee".

Size: 8½" long, 3¾" wide, 9½" tall.

Sold: Jan. 2012

Price Sold: $ 203


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