1940 Wyandotte, Red Ranger Mechanical Ride'Em Cowboy in Original Box
This scarce clockwork lithographed steel mechanical Red Ranger Ride'Em Cowboy toy was manufactured by Wyandotte for less than one year. Production was halted when steel was diverted for war use. It's only the second working example I've seen. The wonderful two color illustrated box is the only one I've ever seen for this toy. The toy is similar to other rocking toys manufactured by Marx, although its about half the size, but just as attractive. It uses a pivoting rocker base to gently gently move the toy from side to side while making a clicking sound. The body of the cowboy figure was intentionally "loosely" attached so that it sways in opposite movement to the base. The base was lithoed in white with a profile of Red and his name on each side. The name of the toy appears across the base surrounded by lasso loops. The flat top is green and includes a Wyandotte logo on either side. Rope was also lithoed in loops around the horses hooves. The underside of the rocker was originally painted black although most of it has worn away. The beautiful box, originally red and blue on a white background, has aged to a deep mandarin orange and dark navy blue. The main panels show an accurate drawing of the toy with the name appearing above inside a lasso circle. "Let 'Er Buck" was printed alongside in large capitol letters. The endflaps were printed with a terrific drawing of red advertising other Wyandotte toys. It says, "you shore ought to see my new holster and pistol outfits". I don't recall seeing ads for another Wyandotte toy on a different box before. The side panels include the name of the toy, manufacturer name, address, and toy catalog number. Size: 6½" long and tall, 2" wide. Sold: Jan. 2007
Price Sold: $ 198