1970 Tonka, No.1068 Mini-Tonka Wrecker in Original Box
Not a speck. Not a mark. Not a single scratch, ding, chip, scuff or anything else. Here's a No.1068 Mini-Tonka Wrecker with the rare distinction of being factory mint in box! I can't recall the last time I used that grade for anything. All steel construction painted brilliant white. Looks beautiful, but white would also show even the tiniest imperfection. You won't find it. It has its original red painted tow boom which works, original cord, and original die cast chrome plated tow hook. It doesn't even have a mark from the tow hook! It's detailed with a chrome plated front bumper and radiator grille, yellow plastic headlights, plastic glass all-the-way-around the cab interior (and not a single nick or scuff), and vinyl tires with plastic hubs. What it doesn't have are the door decals. Don't know why they're not there, but it's definitely NOT due to repainting. Paint is all original. Besides, who would repaint a 1970 truck and also perfectly insert the boom without a single mark? Also note that the tow hook is different from the one shown on the box. Again, I don't know why this is. BUT I do know where it came from. I purchased it from one of the writers of Antique Toy World who originally purchased it at a retail store. There is no better source. The yellow and white box has a photograph of the truck on two panels. The name, logos, parental approval, etc., were printed on the other two panels. One endflap is factory folded shut. The other has another photo of the toy. Size: 9½". Sold: Nov. 2017
Price Sold: $ 100