Magnificent four piece tin litho O-gauge clockwork train set complete with all accessories and paperwork. Comes in its original box with insert. Fabulous near mint condition and works great. Doesn't look like it was ever removed from the box.
Wonderful set includes the following:
- Meccano-Hornby tin litho M1 Locomotive 6" long - green and black boiler with separate side railings, black base with front coupling and rear slot hitch. Steel wheels with red exterior spokes with side rods, internal mechanism generates sparks through boiler exhaust and ringing bell. Cab features metallic gold on black lithoed details with three switches. One is the brake, second is forward, 3rd is reverse. Clockwork motor contained within heavy steel casing. Steel base as well.
- Tender 3435 3½" long - teal green container with metallic gold lettering, black litho base with die cut and embossed lower frame, black tin litho metal wheels, rear couple, front hitch for locomotive.
- LMS Olive Green 12530 Gondola 5¼" long - olive green with tin litho with white slat work, black litho base with latticed lower frame, black tin litho metal wheels., front and rear couplers.
- LNE Brown 12530 Gondola 5¼" long - brown tin litho with white slat work, black litho base with latticed lower frame, black tin litho metal wheels., front and rear couplers.
- Track - Curved 6 x 14". Straight 2 x 10". Over 8½" total. Two rails. One straight section has stop/start pull lever.
- Connecting Track Plates (8) in original box - black steel litho for Hornby O Gauge
- Combined rail key and Meccano key in original envelope - chrome plated cast iron
- Original full color (celluloid?) box label. Storage conditions caused it to roll up into a fragile, crackly roll, but it's still there nonetheless.
- Directions for running Railway and laying track
- Factory inspection/guarantee label
- Original two section die cut insert
- Original two piece box with U. S. distribution sticker and factory identifying M1 label on the sideSize: As noted for individual components. Box 14" x 12" x 3".
Sold: Sep. 2007
Price Sold: $ 532
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