1941 Wyandotte, Sand-O-Land Boat in Original Box
Superb lithographed pressed steel Sand-O-Land boat by Wyandotte complete with original steel shovel. Unsold store stock it comes with it's original pull string plus the paper bag (not shown) which the shovel came wrapped in. Best of all it's complete with its original illustrated box. Pre-war toy creatively designed with the familiar Noah's Ark tradition of "toys for Sunday". All pressed steel with brightly orange painted 2" wooden wheels. Wheels are fixed on 90° right angle metal axles. This provide the up and down rocking movement of a real boat when it's pulled along. As indicated it comes with original pull string. Upper hull lithoed red with animal pairs poking their heads through openings in the sides of the boat. Twin anchors lithoed on the bow. Lower hull shows water line and "blue" water underneath. White Wyandotte logo lithoed on lower bow. Underside of the hull is embossed with two horizontal ribs to support the weight of added sand. Orange cross member lays across the "deck" to hold the crimson red shovel which doubles as a "sail". Rolled metal edges all along the sides of the boat so kiddies won't cut their hands. It's interesting to note that the toy was advertised that it could float. This is printed on the box. The axle supports are tabbed through slits in the bottom of the boat and would easily let water enter. Sure, it might float, but it doesn't indicate for how long. The original box was printed in red and blue on white cardboard. It's loaded with neat graphics and text. It shows "Sandy, the Little Skipper" who's so overjoyed with the toy that he has his own word balloon with a four line rhyming poem. Another panel shows the Sandy at play on the beach. Next to him is the complete written story of how Sandy got the idea of a Sand-O-Land boat. Apparently he went off to Fairyland where everybody was "merry and free", and where they all ate "chocolate cake and ice cream". After chowing down, Sandy and his Fairy buddies sailed off on the Sand-O-Land boat. Isn't that special! Size: 9½" x 4" x 4¾". Shovel 6½". Sold: May 2006
Price Sold: $ 219