c.1952 Selcol England 4 Space Figures with Bazookas
Very little is known about this series of space figures from England. Also known as "Best Space Men" three are embossed with the Selcol trademark. The fourth, (red with green bazooka) has the name "BONUX" stamped into the bazooka. There is also a 1-3mm difference in the height between them. I can't account for this especially since the two extreme sizes (between the silver space men) are from Selco. All are hard plastic. For each figure the bazooka was made to actually fire. Each has a small spring inside of it. The plunger in the rear can be drawn back and released. However the springs and plungers are not present on the red and gray men. But the lack of any wear marks on the end of the bazooka indicates that these two never had a firing mechanism. The other difference is that the two silver space men are both painted; silver paint on yellow plastic. Actually one is more of a metallic color. The other has a matte finish. The gray and red figures are unpainted. There are no foot markings. Size: 70mm (approx. 2-3 4") with a difference of 1-3mm as noted. Sold: Apr. 2011
Price Sold: $ 69