1937 K.T, Autocycle Sparkling Military Motorcycle in Original Box
Exceptional, pre-War Japanese military motorcycle with long running clockwork motor and three dimensional driver. Comes complete with separate key and original box. Tinplate military cycle lithographed in brown, sand, and green jungle camouflage with gray treaded tires. It features front wheel mounted "armor plated" shield which accommodates a single, gas tank mounted, machine gun, with twin portholes. Sparks emit from the front of the machine gun. The flint has been replaced so it does work correctly. In addition both the front and rear tires turn. Driver wears standard tan and brown 1930's Imperial Army issued uniform including brown laced leather boots and strapped helmet. Facial details and overall quality is outstanding. Three color illustrated box shows overhead view of the motorcycle and driver with accurately rendered shadowing. The "Autocycle" name was a generic title assigned to many different types of Japanese motorcycle toys, civilian and non-civilian, produced before WWII for import into the United States. Written in very faint pencil on the side of the box is "Christmas Dec. 25, 1937", the original owners name and its original 25¢ price. I could not conclusively identify the company's trademark logo of "K.T" within a Japanese rising sun with diamond tipped rays. Size: 5½". Sold: Feb. 2005
Price Sold: $ 561