c.1910 Lehmann No.645 Clockwork Paak-Paak Duck & Ducklings

c.1910 Lehmann No.645 Clockwork Paak-Paak Duck & Ducklings

Beautiful lithographed tinplate "Paak-Paak" manufactured in Germany by Lehmann; Duck and Ducklings in Cart.  Excellent condition, complete, all original and works great. There is no box.

Consists of an accurately detailed, embossed tin litho mallard (duck) hitched to a basket containing three ducklings lined up single file. Wind up the attached brass finished key and simultaneously the basket wheels start rotating clockwise, the ducklings peck up and down, and the Mallard "waddles" realistically ahead. It works great especially on a slightly roughened surface (doesn't work on smooth surfaces). I only ran it a short time to make sure it worked. 

The basket sides are marked with the Lehmann catalog number for this toy; No. 645. The underside includes patent and company information. The sides of the wheels facing the basket also have the Lehmann name lithoed onto them. The rear of the basket and the underside breast of each duckling are marked "Muster Schutz" or "pattern protection". 

Size: 7½". 

Sold: Jan.2015

Price Sold: $ 487


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