1935 Daisy, Buck Rogers XZ-34 25th Century Navigation Helmet

1935 Daisy, Buck Rogers XZ-34 25th Century Navigation Helmet

Leather version available only as a Cream of Wheat mail away premium. Much more difficult to find than suede version which was unboxed. Helmet is virtually unused however it probably was in the box for a long time crushed down to fit. Now the leather has hardened. Includes metal visor with original shield, metal Buck Rogers ear flaps, chin strap with pad, and large metal bulb on top. Incredibly rare 3-color box (yellow, blue and white) with fantastic graphics on every panel including large picture of Buck, robots, space ships and jetting across desert.

Size: Box; 8" x 6". 

Sold: Jun. 2002

Price Sold: $ 3500


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