1940 A.C. Gilbert, 20 Puzzle Parties in Original Box
Colorfully illustrated box containing 20 chrome plated steel "puzzle parties". Puzzles have never been removed from original insert. Comes complete with original instructions for solving puzzles. This is important because without the instructions they're near impossible to solve. Set consists of 20 metal configurations linked together in groups of two, three, or four separate objects. Goal is to separate each object without bending them. The tendency is to use a pair of pliers to physically wrench them apart, but the instructions provide the step-by-step clues for solving them with brains rather than brawn. Each puzzle is held in place to the insert with its original Gilbert metal clip. Here's what's included. The box shows a pair of hands solving The Question Puzzle. This toy was produced for many years. The instructions are copyrighted 1920. Size: 18" x 10" x 1¼". Sold: May 2007
Price Sold: $ 51