1959 Masudaya Ford Fairlane 500 Drive Set In Original Box
Unusual 8pc. tin litho "Drive Set" manufactured by Masudaya complete in its original box with insert. Not listed in Ron Smith's & Bill Gallagher's book on Tin Toy Cars. In fact it was Bill Gallagher who sold me the set! Not only isn't the set referenced, but this size and year of the Ford Fairlane 500 is listed only as a hardtop. No convertible was referenced. Most likely it was available only on the Japanese market as evidenced by the Japanese text on the toy and box. The set consists of an accurate tin litho, friction drive Ford Fairlane 500 Convertible, a tin litho Bear(?) Gasoline pump, and six Japanese bilingual traffic signs. Ford Fairlane 500 2dr. Convertible - 6" long, embossed tin litho, colored pale yellow, orange and white, simple embossed benchseat interior, black chassis plate, polished tin parts (windshield frame, hub caps, front and rear bumpers, rear trunk trim), solid rubber tires, celluloid windshield, die cut hole in right rear quarter panel for gas pump nozzle. Marked "Fairlane 500" on rear fins both sides. Masudaya trademark & Made in Japan lithoed on rear left quarter panel. Bear (?) Gasoline Pump 3¾" tall, tin litho gasoline pump with bear head logo (possibly an authentic trademark). Features manual crank with moving dial gauages, original black viny hose nozzle Bilingual (Japanese English) Traffic Signs approx. 4" tall, Stop, Closed to Bicycles, Railroad Crossing, Parking Area, School Zone, No Parking. The set comes in its original display box with die cut, fold down display window and original insert. The insert securely hold all eight pieces. The cover was illustrated with a placid driving scene showing a highway winding through mountains and forest and an adjacent body of water. The convertible is shown on the highway. "Drive Set" is printed in the upper center. The style is uniquely Japanese. The front of the hinged lid has Japanese text. Three aprons were printed with Japanese traffic signs of three types: those used to follow directions of some type, crossing signs, and signs banning a motorists action. The bottom is blank. Size: Box 8½" x 9½" x 2". Date Sold: Mar. 2010
Price Sold: $ 158